We´ve got something special ready soon.
And we can´t wait for you to see it.
Please check back soon.
Contact ScanCargo Logistics at Phone: +45 70 30 23 89
or mail
Hos Casa Italia har vi i snart 5 år haft et fantastisk samarbejde med ScanCargo ApS. Deres professionalisme, pålidelighed og fokus på kundeservice har gjort dem til en uvurderlig partner for os. Transport og logistik har altid været håndteret effektivt og til tiden, hvilket har sikret, at vores behov er blevet opfyldt uden problemer.
Vi værdsætter deres fleksibilitet og evne til hurtigt at finde løsninger, der matcher vores krav. ScanCargo ApS er en samarbejdspartner, vi med stor tillid kan anbefale til andre virksomheder.
About us.
The person behind ScanCargo is Henrik Sidding Nielsen, who have more than 20 years of experience in the forwarding and logistics. Throughout his career, he has lived and worked in Denmark, Italy and Norway.
Whatever kind of logistic challenge You have, don’t hesitate to contact us. Together, we will find the right solution for you.
Together, we will find a solution based on what is most important for you, using the open book principles.
Contact information.
ScanCargo Logistics Aps
Kimbrerbakken 117
5250 Odense Sv
Phone: +45 70 30 23 89
Mobile: +45 42 12 81 05
Do you have a query?
Please contact us if you have a question about a delivery.